วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Travel Tips - Preparing For Airport Security Will Get You a Long Way

Going on a vacation is definitely not that, what once was. I remember before the date of the increased security at airports, where my friends and family I could go all the way to the gate before I board my flight. Of course, things have changed dramatically. Now, neither you nor your family (or your bottled water for that matter over) at the security checkpoint without the proper identification to move, X-rays, dental checks, eye scans - okay, I exaggerate - but you get the idea. ThePressures from the journey is as dangerous as all chemicals that you may bring on board.

Not that I do I complain, mind you. I'm glad that some precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of innocent flight-sitters on board who wanted nothing more than to visit her aunt Tilda do in Wisconsin. I can not stress enough gratitude for the sense of security I get on every flight. But at the same time, if you are not yet ready for the number of security measures, theput into effect to ensure a safe flight, you can easily become overwhelmed.

This happened to me the last time I flew to Atlanta.

It was about a year since I've flown somewhere, like I'm leading this trip, and I was more than the possibility of enthusiasm from the city. However, if I have a bag that rolled need to check and my two small carry-ons to the check-in counter, I remembered that I lotion, toothpaste and a bottle of water in my hand luggage. "Oh!Geez! "I thought as I gently pulled my bags out of the way the others around me to the" transfer of liquids and gels' in the bag I had checked.

At that time I began to panic. "Am I forgetting something?" "What if they x-ray my bag and find something else?" "What if they want to do a thorough search and I miss my flight?" There were so many "what-if 'through my head that I could hardly remember where my ID, when I stand, was approached to take my ticket.Fortunately, the check-in process went rather smoothly and was my next trip to the security checkpoint.

There I started my panic process again with all my "what-ifs." Even through a little bit of luck I managed to get through the process without problems, but the whole ordeal was the idea of the trip seem very unattractive. I promised myself to stay the next time, I'd be where I would be prepared.

And that's exactly what I did. The following week I had aSurprise trip to Washington DC and as I prepared for the trip, I made sure to know where was my ID, the pockets of my liquids and gels in the back, and printed my boarding pass at home. It has made my life so much easier. I know it can seem like a piece of work, the additional planning at home. But if you want to fill the pressure of hectic travel with an airport that can bring security to be avoided, then my suggestion that you can not prevent the preparation from home at any timeConfusion at crunch time.

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